With her permission, I’m sharing Lexi F’s school presentation on domestic violence. Lexi is 13 and has spent a large part of her life experiencing the consequences of domestic violence. So the information in this presentation isn’t theoretical for Lexi. It comes from lived experience.

Her mum made the hugely courageous decision to leave her abusive husband, taking her children with her. But the abuse continues in the form of:

  • Withholding child support (financial abuse)
  • Stalking and spying (intimidation)
  • Playing mind games (psychological abuse)

His behaviour isn’t the actions of a heart-broken man. He has a new partner and a baby.

There are no excuses for his behaviour but Lexi, her mum and her siblings are continuing to endure abuse because there are insufficient protections for victims and victim-survivors of domestic violence.

These are Lexi’s words. Please hear them, remember them and share them with your network and with politicians so together we can finally stop the abuse for families like Lexi’s.

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